Сестрите Кардашијан не штедеа на зборови: Кендал Џенер го прослави роденденот, еве што доби од нив!

5 ноември, 2020

Кендал Џенер го прослави својот роденден, а нејзините сестри, познати американски медиумски личности, Ким, Кортни, Клои и Кајли, споделија носталгични слики и трогателни честитки на Инстаграм. Кортни објави цел албум со фотографии од нејзиното детство до сега, и на тој начин го направи својот прекрасен ден.

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Currently scream singing Happy birthday my sweet Kenny! You are one of my most favorite people! I love you for who you are and couldn't imagine a life without YOU. If anyone knows you like I do, they know how much of an amazing, kind, quirky, loyal, loving person you are and how much any one would dream to have you in their life. Some people aren't as lucky as us – not everyone gets to have a sister and not everyone gets to have a love and bond that all us siblings have with one another. We are soulmates. In every lifetime we will find one another because we are destined to. Until time runs out, we will be together in some capacity. I am so lucky to have someone as selfless and loving as you by my side. I love you, I respect you, I value everything that you are. We all celebrate you today and everyday! Let your confidence continue to shine and never be anyone but yourself. You are perfect in every single way. I love you my sweet angel sister!

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