Принцот Хари ја изневерувал Меган со манекенка

26 јули, 20200

Веќе се изработени неколку филмови за љубовта на британскиот принц Хари и американската актерка, 38-годишната Меган Маркл, а наскоро ќе биде објавена и книга која ќе ги открие сите детали за романсата што беше легализирана во 2018 година со судбоносно ’да’. Како и да е, според „Дејли меил“, досега едно парче од информации е пропуштено од многумина. Имено, според споменатите медиуми, принцот ја измамил Меган со манекенката Сара Ен Меклин на самиот почеток на врската.

princ harry

‘Нивната романса е јавна тајна кај нивните пријатели. Во тоа време, Сара го бркаше најпосакуваниот модел во државата, Дејвид Ганди, но и самиот принц кој ‘ја бомбардираше ‘со пораки откако се запознаа. Се разбира, таа одлучи да му даде шанса на Хари и тие се видоа по некое време. Сепак, тие подоцна сфатија дека не функционираат како двојка и се разделија во пријателско расположение “, изјави извор близок до моделот за споменатите медиуми.

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🥦🥬🌽🍅VEG OUT GUYS – IT’S GOOD FOR YOU.🥕🥑🍠🥒🍆🤘 I CHALLENGE YOU!! 🏃‍♀️🏁🏃‍♂️ * 🌷Spring is my favourite time of year for veggies and fruits! Asparagus, radishes, spring onions, mustard greens, arugula, strawberries, apricots and rhubarb. 😲We need to be including more veggies and fruit, as currently in the UK only 31% of us are reaching the recommended 5 a day. Guys, let me know why you may not be eating as much as I hope you are?! There MUST be a reason? Cost, accessibility, ideas around cooking them?! TELL ME! * 📚A new study published last week, showed that diets rich in fruits and vegetables may help protect cardiovascular health❤️ We are constantly seeing new research emerge from the benefits of adding more vegetables and fruits into our daily diet. This study looked specifically at heart health. * 👫It was an 8 week study which followed three different diets, the Dash Diet (lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish, nuts, and beans over that of red meats and fatty, sugary, or salty foods), a diet rich in fruit and vegetables the typical ‘American diet’. * After 8 weeks, blood tests found that people who had followed the DASH diet or a diet rich in fruit and vegetable diet consistently had significantly lower concentrations of two biomarkers associated with better heart health. ⚠️This was a very small study – which is always a limitation to be aware of. Also, it is important to look at a large range of similar studies – such as a meta-analysis which helps drive clearer understanding and statistical significance of importance, as opposed to one study alone. * 🥕🥬🥦It is unclear to say which specific aspects of the DASH diet formula or other plant-diets benefit heart health. Yet, the research we do constantly keep seeing is that it is important to include  DIVERSITY of plant foods in your daily diet. * I WANT TO HELP YOU GUYS increase more plant based foods into your diet – so speak to me about your concerns, and let’s make a healthy change! #vegout #sarahannmscklinnutrition #bewellivewell

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