Се ближи до седмата деценија од животот, а сега ни ја откри тајната за младолик изглед

14 август, 20200

Манекенката Паулина Поришкова веќе долго не ја шета модната писта, но сепак е во завидна форма. Таа честопати позира во бикини и се фали за својата витка фигура и младешкиот изглед, затоа многумина не можат да веруваат дека има 55 години.

Како што тврди, таа не користи филтри на фотографиите и никогаш не поминала на третмани за затегнување на брчките или естетски корекции на лицето. Нејзината диета е балансирана, но не премногу ограничена, изјави таа.

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Ok folks. Once again, unretouched and unfiltered. I am 55, this is good light and a fairly flattering – if plain- photo. I have had Ultherapy 5 times now, and two plasma pen treatments. No Botox, no fillers. I live reasonably clean- don’t much enjoy processed foods, but love a variety and do love my cakes. I drink wine and cocktails. I smoked until I was forty. ( Sorry to say. Of course I quit when pregnant and nursing- but my husband was an unapologetic smoker- and it was easier to do as he did instead of fighting about it). I work out – try for at least three ones a week- sometimes less, sometimes more. I now mostly do Pilates, with some dancing or biking thrown in for cardio. That’s it. Sure, I have wrinkles. ( My iPhone camera graciously omits them in good light). Sure, I have some sagging. ( This is the part I’m not THAT fond of). Any woman today who doesn’t look her age has enjoyed a rarefied existence of not only a great diet and exercise, but also medical benefits. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with that. We, who can, are so lucky to do. But I do wish we could be more honest and open about it. Because no, I cannot look 39 with just a great diet and exercise. I truly appreciate many elements of maturing; I’m so much smarter, kinder, more patient, funnier, better at communicating, more self aware and overall – a much better person. But really- I am NOT always ok with the way my age reflects in my face and body. I have days of self confidence and a fuck-off-if-you-don’t-like-it attitude, but more often I’m just totally insecure, and do selfies of myself in horrible light and unflattering angles, so I can get used to how I actually do look. And it’s painful. It’s like building calluses on your fingers when you learn to play the guitar. It’s a process. But it’s what happens if you are lucky to be healthy and alive. #nomakeup #nofilter #nobotox #nofiller #nofilter #truthhurts #betweenjloandbettywhite

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