Ширли Најт која публиката ја знае по улогата во серијата “Очајни домаќинки”, почина на 22 април во Тексас, на 83 годишна возраст.
Ширли имала долга филмска, телевизиска и театарска кариера. Освоила две номинации за Оскар уште во своите дваесетти години, потоа ја добила наградата Тони во 1975 година, а добитничка е и на три Еми награди.
Не е наведена причината за смртта. Познато е само дека била во домот на нејзината ќерка кога починала.
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#RIPShirleyKnight #ShirleyKnight, Oscar-nominated actress, has died at 83 Shirley Knight, the Kansas-born actress who was nominated for two Oscars early in her career and went on to play an astonishing variety of roles in movies, TV and the stage, has died. She was 83. Knight passed away Wednesday at her daughter's home in San Marcos, Texas, according to her daughter #KaitlinHopkins. Knight’s career carried her from Kansas to Hollywood and then to the New York theater and London and back to Hollywood. She was nominated for two Tonys, winning one. In recent years, she had a recurring role as Phyllis Van de Kamp (the mother-in-law of #MarciaCross’ character) in the long-running ABC show #DesperateHousewives, gaining one of her many Emmy nominations. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Entertainment/wireStory/shirley-knight-oscar-nominated-actress-died-83-70291663
A post shared by Ruel Mendoza (@rjmwings) on Apr 22, 2020 at 8:10pm PDT
Има играно во сериите “The Outer Limits,”, “The Fugitive” и “The Virginian”, “Murder, She Wrote”, “Matlock”, “Ally McBeal” и “Desperate housewives”.