Мал мутант: Погледнете како изгледа гуштер со две глави!

popara13 февруари, 20131min00

Овој мал гуштер со две глави живеел само шест месеци. Неговиот сопственик се обидел да го храни и на едната и на другата уста, но за жал неуспешно. Неговото тело е донирано во еден природнонаучен музеј.

On me heads, son! This two-headed fire salamander was just donated to Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany

He was never headed for anything: The poor creature was donated by a private breeder who had tried to keep it alive by feeding it through both mouths

Pin head: The tiny creature was just six months old when it died

The dual headed salamanderDr Wolf-Rüdiger Grosse, Herpetologist and Lecturer for Evolution and Biodiversity at Martin Luther University, takes a look at the dual headed salamander

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