Овие славни убавици објавија фотографии со многу целулит. Можете само да ги мразите, но нив тоа не ги засега

9 август, 20200

Движењето кое го слави женското тело ни донесе многу добри работи, но секако еден од најдобрите е советите да го прифатите вашиот целулит, затоа што статистиката вели дека дури 93 проценти од жените го имаат , без оглед на нивната големина и бројот на килограми. Едноставно, наместо немилосрдно да се обидете да се ослободите – прифатете го!

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Bottoms up to paradise. 🇲🇻✌🏼 Let me say this hopefully only once. What you perceive as someone's flaws is a reflection of you and your own insecurities. Beauty is subjective – some of us strive to be bigger, smaller, be more toned, etc. It's really down to us as individuals. What's important is our own confidence and happiness and this is a journey for each and everyone of us. ❤️ I am the happiest I've ever been living my life. I'm not depriving myself of food and drink, and I accept my ever-changing body as it gets older and wiser. I also don't see exercise as a chore, or food and drink as indulging. But, I've been injured recently so haven't been able to live an active lifestyle (although my cellulite doesn't disappear with exercise). 💪🏼 I have always tried to be "real" online, but I used to point out my insecurities. I realised in doing so, it not only meant I was focussing on my flaws and weaknesses, but it was potentially making others feel worse about themselves. For example, if I point out my tiny spot and say I feel hideous, how would it make someone feel with worse skin than me? Plus, why focus on the negatives about ourselves? So, when I post this photo on my stories and get INNUNDATED with trolls, it annoys me. Firstly, nearly every woman has cellulite, regardless of our size or exercise regime. It's sexy. It's not to be shamed. And secondly, there are a lot of people (men and women) who are dealing with eating problems, and words are VERY powerful. My ex's mum once said to me: "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will break my heart", and it's stuck with me. ❤️ If you feel a certain type of way about my arse, screenshot it and send it to your friends, prick it on your voodoo doll, but just know that it's your own negative vision, and i don't want to see it on my comments or DM's. I'm not posting this for likes or attention, I'm posting this because I want to encourage the trolls who chose to follow me to think twice about their output online. You might just end up saying this to the wrong person. And in the words of Alan Partridge: "Frankly my dear, I don't riverdance". 🍑✌️ #paradise #maldives #girlswhotravel #noretouching

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